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Escarpment PROBUS Club Of Milton

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October General Meeting

  • Wed, October 15, 2025
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Connect Centre


  • Members can register themselves and 1 member or non-member as a guest; when registering a guest, please enter their email address in the Login ID field.
    Use this ticket type IF you ARE going to Lunch Bunch.
  • Members can register themselves and 1 other member or non-member as their guest; when registering a guest please enter their email address in the Login ID field.
    Use this ticket type IF you are NOT going to Lunch Bunch.


Lunch Bunch: TBD
WA admin: Diane Comstock

Speaker: Lynne Golding

Topic:  The Famous Five and the Person's Case

This  is about how women got the right to sit in the Canadian Senate. It is particularly good for an October talk as Person's Day is October 18.

Bio:  Lynne Golding was born and raised in Brampton, Ontario. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science from Victoria College at the University of Toronto before studying law at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. She is a senior partner at the international law firm Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP where she leads their health law practice group. She has three grown children.

Lynne lives in Brampton. She is the best-selling author of the Beneath the Alders trilogy, a historical fiction series, set in small town Canada in the first decades of the twentieth century. The series is comprised of The Innocent (2018), The Beleaguered (2019, a Toronto Star and Globe & Mail best-selling book) and The Mending (May 2021).

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